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Would we be able to help you?

We only take on clients we are 100% sure we are able to deliver outstanding results. 

The best way to find out if you qualify is by getting started with one free consultation call. In this call we will map out what you need to reach your business goals and how we can guide you step-by-step.

Here are just a few reasons you should hire My services to help you

Besides the experience and skill set I provide, this is my promise to you:


My Passion is to see you succeed and to give my best helping you. To see you achieve your goals and make a greater impact with what you love doing is what makes my day.


I will only ask you to take steps I would take. I will only promote techniques and tools I would use or that I am already using in my own business.

Positive Mindset

Our mindset and way of thinking can be even more important than our skills. That’s why a positive mindset and a motivating atmosphere is something I value most.

ROI Guarantee

I don't deserve your money if I don't deliver any results. My guarantee is to keep on working with you until you have made back at least your investment with my consulting. (Yet my goal is much higher!)

Our Services

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Business Service


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id magna eu velit vulputate volutpat.

Business Service


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id magna eu velit vulputate volutpat.

Business Service


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id magna eu velit vulputate volutpat.

Business Service


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id magna eu velit vulputate volutpat.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You have some Questions you want answered before you get in touch with me? I totally understand. That's why I put together some of the most frequently asked questions. If your Questions is not included please feel free to contact me. I'm looking forward on hearing from you.

Who Is Your Ideal Client?

My ideal client owns a purpose driven business that’s facing the challenge of scaling their business (online).

They have a great product or service but their online presents is not attracting and converting quality clients. They have no hesitation about investing in their business and understand that not hiring me will be much more expensive than doing so. They’re open to different perspectives and are willing to test new strategies.

They’re willing to

#1 let me decide which symptoms are blocking their scalability online

#2 diagnose the problem(s) accurately

#3 propose the best solutions that can lead to attracting high quality clients and monetizing their online audience.

What Makes You An Expert?

I won't claim to know it all like a lot of "guru experts" out there. But I know that my 15 years DOING and LEARNING Business have given me a great skill set and broad experience that other entrepreneurs and businesses can take advantage of. I have worked with solopreneurs and had the opportunities to work with multi-billion dollar businesses in the past. But no matter the size of your business - you will be getting 100% of my commitment that is invested in your success!

How Do You Measure Success?

Easy– by the results I help you obtain. After all, what good is it to invest in an online strategy if it doesn’t produce a measurable increase in engagement, leads, and (of course) sales and revenues? The bottom line is, you’re in business to make money AND have a positive impact, right? When your investment in powerful Marketing- and Offer-Strategies lets you make more of both… you know you’ve made the right choice.

What's The Usual Time Frame?

This depends on the kind of Offer you decide to go with.

Most Clients I guide through a step-by-step process that makes sure we build up on the right foundation, targets the hot-spots to get at right away and builds a strategy to follow like a map for the coming months and even years.

This program to accelerate your business lasts about 3 months. But many business also like hiring me as their fractional head of marketing accompanying them for a longer period time.

You have a specific issue you need solved asap? We can work out a custom schedule that works for both of us so you have absolute clarity on how to reach your goals. 

What's The Cost Investment?

Also this depends on the kind of Offer you decide to go with.

I offer different options for different budgets, because I want every business to have the opportunity to invest in reaching their goals and dreams. Investments for larger projects can be divided into monthly or phased installments.

Business Lit

Mozartstr. 5

71409 Schwaikheim


  Phone: +49 7195 5929798

  Email: danny(at)getbusinesslit.com

© 2024+ Business Lit | All Rights Reserved


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